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Peter Yawitz
Mar 25, 20201 min read
How do we deal with toxic aftershave?
Q: What do we do about an intern with toxic aftershave?
A: I’d go to him privately and say “you’re doing a really good job, but one thin
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Peter Yawitz
Dec 31, 20190 min read
Which awful coworker stereotype are you?
15 days till book launch! Pre-order today at I'm not defensive and I know better than you do.
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Peter Yawitz
Mar 20, 20191 min read
How do I deal with a busybody?
An office gossip always asks about my private life, and just now said in a meeting: “I think someone will be having a wedding!” And I'd
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Peter Yawitz
Feb 19, 20181 min read
How do I deal with passive-aggressive people?
How many times do you say or hear passive-aggressive language like this? "Oh, sorry, I thought you were more senior. I'll ask a mor
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Peter Yawitz
Sep 20, 20172 min read
How can I give feedback to a colleague?
Sometimes I feel that my coworker is a bit sloppy in sending deliverables to clients. How can I get him to listen to me?
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Peter Yawitz
Aug 8, 20171 min read
How do I deal with a chatty coworker?
Ever have an annoying coworker sit at your desk and keep talking like The Thing That Wouldn't Leave? Here's advice on how to get ri
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Peter Yawitz
Jun 22, 20173 min read
How do I deal with an annoying coworker?
ou can’t change his personality; you can only change how you communicate with him. As much as you’d like to tell him not to be a work hog
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Peter Yawitz
Apr 1, 20171 min read
How can I stop blaming others?
Acknowledge mistakes. You’ll get more respect from people if you show how you can learn from what went wrong so it won’t happen again.
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