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Peter Yawitz
Sep 17, 20202 min read
How To Avoid Trainwreck Zoom Presentations
My last Zoom presentation was a trainwreck. People interrupted me on Slide #1 so I never got to the main points. Others were bore. Advice?
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Peter Yawitz
Sep 8, 20202 min read
Sick of boss asking how we're all FEELING
My boss still starts Zoom meetings asking us all to share how we’re faring. I don’t want my whole team to know about my bowels, thank you.
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Peter Yawitz
May 6, 20202 min read
How Do I Handle Zoom Lurkers?
Talking about good biz leaders. One guy said Cuomo came across as 'one of us' but Trump didn’t. An texter called us “a bunch of lib-tards."
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Peter Yawitz
Jun 19, 20191 min read
Why do people brag about how many hours they work?
I hate when my coworkers compete about how many hours they work. Can't I get my work done and just go home at night?
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Peter Yawitz
Jun 14, 20191 min read
How can I stand up for my team?
A manager from another division, and who hates my boss, asked me to represent my division on a task force. Since I’m junior I think he feels
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Peter Yawitz
Nov 29, 20181 min read
My boss lets us talk only when we hold a stuffed rabbit.
Dear Someone Else’s Dad,My boss hates interrupters in meetings, so she has a stuffed rabbit that we have to pass to anyone who wants to spea
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Peter Yawitz
Apr 14, 20172 min read
How can I keep an audience from falling asleep?
Here are some tricks I use to make audiences pay attention:
I let them know at the outset why the material is specifically important to them
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Peter Yawitz
Apr 13, 20173 min read
How do I manage a meeting?
To make sure you get what you need you should have done the following before the meeting:
Prepared a list of questions, grouped in categori
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Peter Yawitz
Mar 30, 20171 min read
What's the best way to write meeting minutes?
During the meeting try to listen carefully to capture the high-level message related to each topic. It’s more important to focus on the sta
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