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Peter Yawitz
Jul 11, 20171 min read
How do I get rid of ums?
Do filler words and phrases like "like," "um", "you know", "sort of" and "literally" as we
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Peter Yawitz
Jul 9, 20172 min read
Why was I bypassed for promotion?
I feel I understand everything about our clients and our business but the company gave a promotion to a more senior woman who works on a dif
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Peter Yawitz
Jun 23, 20171 min read
How do I ask for a raise?
Think you deserve a raise but don't know how to go about asking for one? Make sure you have a detailed summary about how you've hel
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Peter Yawitz
Jun 23, 20171 min read
How do I negotiate with a client?
Make sure you get into your clients' shoes to figure out what's important to them. Check with your boss about how much room you hav
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Peter Yawitz
Jun 22, 20172 min read
How can boomers and millennials work together?
Make sure that you explain the context of tasks so that younger members don’t think they're doing grunt work. Perhaps share the implicat
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Peter Yawitz
Jun 22, 20173 min read
How do I deal with an annoying coworker?
ou can’t change his personality; you can only change how you communicate with him. As much as you’d like to tell him not to be a work hog
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Peter Yawitz
May 10, 20172 min read
Should I quit my toxic workplace?
If you’re in a large company, your manager might have his own culture of bilking, blaming and backstabbing. But maybe you can find a role i
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Peter Yawitz
May 2, 20172 min read
How can I be more well-rounded?
Of course you have to know what’s happening in the markets; that’s your job. And I hope some day soon you’ll allow yourself to chill out and
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Peter Yawitz
Apr 20, 20172 min read
How can I be more specific without being pushy?
Before you write an email or go into a meeting, figure out what your best-case actionable objective is. Do you want them to understand how t
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Peter Yawitz
Apr 14, 20172 min read
How can I keep an audience from falling asleep?
Here are some tricks I use to make audiences pay attention:
I let them know at the outset why the material is specifically important to them
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Peter Yawitz
Apr 13, 20173 min read
How do I manage a meeting?
To make sure you get what you need you should have done the following before the meeting:
Prepared a list of questions, grouped in categori
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Peter Yawitz
Apr 5, 20172 min read
Do I have to go to lunch with my boss?
1. Think of three topics to talk about over lunch. Maybe two could be about work and one about a hobby of yours that you’d like him to know
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Peter Yawitz
Apr 1, 20171 min read
How can I stop blaming others?
Acknowledge mistakes. You’ll get more respect from people if you show how you can learn from what went wrong so it won’t happen again.
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Peter Yawitz
Mar 30, 20171 min read
What's the best way to write meeting minutes?
During the meeting try to listen carefully to capture the high-level message related to each topic. It’s more important to focus on the sta
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Peter Yawitz
Mar 29, 20172 min read
Indian English phrases that don't translate to Western English
“Hmm, that’s interesting.” Although we might use the phrase as an automatic response to people when we’re not really listening to them, Indi
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Peter Yawitz
Mar 17, 20171 min read
Should guys wear undershirts under button-downs?
Contrary to what you think an undershirt keeps you cooler in the summer.
Most people don’t want to see though your shirt to see your body to
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Peter Yawitz
Mar 2, 20171 min read
Is "Hey John" too informal in an email?
Here's the hierarchy of salutations from most formal to least formal: Dear, Good Morning/Hello, Hi, Hey, Wassup??, Dude!!!!!
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Peter Yawitz
Feb 22, 20171 min read
Do I look as nervous as I feel?
A great number of nervous symptoms—such as butterflies, pounding heart, dry mouth, and moments of forgetfulness, among many others—are simpl
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