Can I accept a job offer then bag it if I get a better one?
Dear Someone Else’s Dad, Just call me a typical “meddling mom.” My daughter has an offer from Company A, but it expires next week and...
Can I accept a job offer then bag it if I get a better one?
Why do people brag about how many hours they work?
Can I correct people from using my name incorrectly?
How can I remember people's names?
How can I get my boss to make a decision?
Is "bad-ass" a compliment?
Why do I only get grunt work to do?
How do I deal with a know-it-all?
Can I decide if a job interview is worth my time?
How do I deal with passive-aggressive people?
How do I start a presentation?
How to deal with conference calls
When do I use a semi-colon?
How do I ask for a raise?
How can boomers and millennials work together?
How can I keep an audience from falling asleep?